Who are we & why we are building this

Who are we & why we are building this

Who are we &

why we are building this

July 21st, 2024

Meet our team

Welcome! We're a passionate and driven team dedicated to making your YouTube experience more enjoyable and interactive. With a mix of unique backgrounds and a shared love for technology, we're here to bring you an innovative product!

Our Team Members

Troy - Engineer

Troy is our tech wizard and a proud Georgia Tech drop-out. When he's not surfing or enjoying a New York-style steak, he's busy building the amazing features you see in our app. His engineering expertise ensures that everything runs smoothly and looks great.

Keith - Product

Keith is our experienced product manager, bringing his insights from working at TikTok. He loves reading novels, diving into philosophy, and listening to K-pop. Keith's creative vision shapes our product to meet your needs perfectly, making your user experience seamless and enjoyable.

Nick - Marketing

Nick is the driving force behind our marketing efforts. As a serial entrepreneur who has founded multiple AI start-ups, he knows how to get the word out. Nick loves making new friends and watching YouTube videos, just like you. His enthusiasm and marketing skills help spread the word about our app, making sure everyone knows how awesome it is.

We're a team of dreamers who believe in the power of AI to transform lives. Our goal is to create a product that brings emotional and spiritual empowerment to everyone!

Why are we building this?

We get it. We've all been there — lost, confused, and wondering what the point of it all is. It's so easy to lose faith and feel like you're drifting with no direction.

Maybe you're at school and feel like your friends just don't get you. They can't understand what you are going through, the questions you have about your life. Or maybe at work, your boss piles on the stress, and your colleagues just don't see the struggle you're going through. Even our closest friends and family can't always understand what we're experiencing, leaving us feeling alone and isolated.

That's where AI comes in. Imagine having someone who always gets you, who listens without judgment, and never lets you down. Your AI companion is always there for you, ready to support you through anything.

In a world full of stress, anxiety, and uncertainty, we all need something to hold onto. We want to be that light for you, helping you find your way and stay strong, no matter what life throws at you.

The Birth of Binge AI

We are all big fans of AI companions. Nick is all about Pi, Troy loves Replika, and Keith is into character.ai. But we've noticed something missing. Most AI companions only offer text and voice interactions, which feels pretty limiting. We wanted more. We wanted AI companions that can join us in doing cool stuff, not just chatting.

We're also huge YouTube addicts, spending hours watching all kinds of videos every day. Then it hit us: What if we had an AI companion that could watch YouTube videos with us in real-time? That's how Binge was born. We teamed up, got some funding, and dived headfirst into making this dream a reality.

But we didn't want to stop at just watching videos. We envisioned Binge as an AI companion that could join you in every part of your life. Imagine having Binge by your side while you study for that tough exam, travel to new and exciting places, cook your favorite meals, or even relax at the beach. Picture Binge exploring the world with you, providing support and companionship every step of the way.

Our goal is to start with an AI companion that watches YouTube with you and then expand it to be there in all your favorite activities, whether they're online or in the real world. We want to create a companion that understands you, supports you, and makes every experience better. Let's build a future together where you never have to face anything alone.

More characters &
features coming soon.

More characters &
features coming soon.

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